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18-22 October 2006 - Cluj Napoca, Romania

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

On the youth world chamionships hosted by Cluj Napoca, Romania between 18-22 October, 811 competitors from 20 countries were taking part. Performance of the Hungarian team involving 50 athletes and 8 officials went far beyond expectations and our competitors own a long list of excellent results.


Kadett male team kumite: 3rd place (Számedli,Kondor , SZESE, Kovács , Óbuda)
Valter Szecsei (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Beáta Hervay (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Ferenc Vozár (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Kadett female team kata: 2nd place (Hervay, Tarjányi-Sugár, Giricz, VIRTUS),
Kadett male team kata: 1st place (Bodor, Bodor,Csongrádi, VIRTUS),
Dzsenifer Demeter (Baja): kata 4th place,
Vivien Szécsényi (Nihon): kumite 2nd place,
Regina Számedli (SZESE): kumite 2nd place,
Márton Holczer (Virtus): kumite 2nd place,
Milán Vajda (Virtus): kumite 3rd place,
Krisztián Somos (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Réka Mari (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Ádám Bodor (Virtus): kata 1st place,
Nándor Csongrádi (Virtus): kata 2nd place,
Szilvia Tarjányi-Sugár (Virtus): kata 1st place,
Nóra Németh (SZESE): kata 3rd place,
Beáta Hervay (Virtus): kata 3rd place,
Dávid Fábrik (Botond Szeged): kumite 3rd place,
Anna Futaki (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Tamás Számedli (SZESE): kumite 3rd place,
Olimpia Raspotnyik (Virtus): kata 4th place, kumite 3rd place,
Enikő Bodnár (Csata): kumite 2nd place,
Katalin Kurucz (Csata): kata 2nd place.


WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships

WUKO Children, Junior and Kadett World Chamionships